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cycle Template Tag


Add a new color for each iteration in a for loop:

{% for x in fruits %}
  <li style='color:{% cycle 'red' 'green' 'blue' 'pink' %}'>
    {{ x }}
{% endfor %}
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Definition and Usage

The cycle tag returns different values for different iterations in a loop.

The first iteration gets the first value, the second iteration gets the second value etc.

You can have as many values as you like.

If there are more iterations that values, the cycle resets and starts at value 1:


The cycle restarts when it reaches the end, and continue until there are no more iterations:

{% for x in fruits %}
  <li style='color:{% cycle 'red' 'blue' %}'>
    {{ x }}
{% endfor %}
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{% cycle arg1 arg2 arg3 etc. %}


Value Description
arg1 arg2 arg3 etc. The values that will be returned, one argument for each cycle.