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for Template Tag


Loop through a list and display the values

  {% for x in fruits %}
    <li>{{ x }}</li>
  {% endfor %}
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Definition and Usage

The for tag allows you to iterate over items in an object.

Objects can be array-like objects like a Python list or object-like objects like a Python dictionary:


Loop through dictionary and display the keys and values:

{% for x, y in mycar.items %}
  <p>The {{ x }} is {{ y }}.</p>
{% endfor %}
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{% for item in object %}
{% endfor %}


Value Description
item Required. Variable name(s) that represents the item(s) of the iterable object.
object Required. An iterable object.

Built-in for Variables

There are some built-in variables you can use inside for loops:

Variable Description
forloop.counter The current iteration, starting at 1. Example »
forloop.counter0 The current iteration, starting at 0. Example »
forloop.first Check if this iteration is the first iteration. Example »
forloop.last Check if this iteration is the last iteration. Example »
forloop.parentloop Refers to the parent loop. Example »
forloop.revcounter The current iteration, counting backwords, ending at 1. Example »
forloop.revcounter0 The current iteration, counting backwords, ending at 0. Example »