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HTML headers Attribute

Definition and Usage

The headers attribute specifies one or more header cells a table cell is related to.

Applies to

The headers attribute can be used on the following elements:

Elements Attribute
<td> headers
<th> headers


Td Example

Specify the <th> element each <td> element is related to:

    <th id="name">Name</th>
    <th id="email">Email</th>
    <th id="phone">Phone</th>
    <th id="addr">Address</th>
    <td headers="name">John Doe</td>
    <td headers="email">someone@example.com</td>
    <td headers="phone">+45342323</td>
    <td headers="addr">Rosevn 56,4300 Sandnes,Norway</td>
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Th Example

Specify the <th> element each header cell is related to:

    <th id="name" colspan="2">Name</th>
    <th headers="name">Firstname</th>
    <th headers="name">Lastname</th>
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Browser Support

The headers attribute has the following browser support for each element:

td Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
th Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes