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HTML Audio/Video DOM seekable Property

❮ HTML Audio/Video DOM Reference


Get the first seekable range (part) of the video in seconds:

var vid = document.getElementById("myVideo");
alert("Start: " + vid.seekable.start(0) + " End: " + vid.seekable.end(0));
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Definition and Usage

The seekable property returns a TimeRanges object.

The TimeRanges object represents ranges of the audio/video that are available for seeking for user.

A seekable range is a time-range of audio/video where the user can seek (move playback position) to.

For non-streaming videos it is often possible to seek anywhere in the video even before it has been buffered.

Note: This property is read-only.

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property.

seekable Yes 9.0 8.0 Yes Yes



Return Value

Type Description
TimeRanges Object Represents the seekable parts of the audio/video.

TimeRanges Object Properties:

  • length - get the number of seekable ranges in the audio/video
  • start(index) - get the start position of a seekable range
  • end(index) - get the end position of a seekable range

Note: The first seekable range is index 0

❮ HTML Audio/Video DOM Reference