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AWS Cloud Tutorial

AWS HOME AWS Intro AWS Cloud Certification AWS Get Started AWS Cloud Computing AWS Cloud Benefits AWS EC2 Intro AWS EC2 Instance Types AWS EC2 Pricing AWS EC2 Scaling AWS EC2 Auto Scaling AWS Elastic Load Balancing AWS Messaging AWS SNS AWS SQS AWS Serverless AWS Lambda AWS Containers AWS ECS AWS EKS AWS Fargate AWS First Recap AWS Infrastructure AWS Regions AWS Availability Zones AWS Edge Locations AWS Provision AWS Provision Services AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS CloudFormation AWS Second Recap AWS Networking AWS Connectivity AWS Subnet and Access AWS Global Networking AWS Third Recap AWS Storage and DBs AWS Instance Stores AWS EBS AWS S3 AWS EBS vs S3 AWS Elastic File System AWS RDS AWS DynamoDB AWS DynamoDB vs RDS AWS Redshift AWS DMS AWS Additional DB Services AWS Fourth Recap AWS Cloud Security AWS Shared Responsibility AWS User Access AWS Organizations AWS Cloud Compliance AWS DDoS AWS Other Services AWS Fifth Recap AWS Monitoring and Analytics AWS CloudWatch AWS CloudTrail AWS TrustedAdvisor AWS Sixth Recap AWS Pricing and Support AWS Free Tier AWS Pricing Models AWS Billing Dashboard AWS Consolidated Billing AWS Budgets AWS Cost Explorer AWS Support Plans AWS Marketplace AWS Seventh Recap AWS Migration and Innovation AWS Cloud Adoption Framework AWS Migration Strategies AWS Snow Family AWS Innovation AWS Eight Recap AWS Cloud Journey AWS Well-Architected Framework AWS Cloud Benefits AWS Ninth Recap AWS Exam Preparation

AWS Examples

AWS Cloud Exercises AWS Cloud Quiz


AWS Fundamentals Java App on AWS Node.js App on AWS Python App on AWS

Guided Projects

Create VM EC2 Wordpress Site EC2 S3 Basics Hosting in AWS S3 NodeJS Website JS Variables and Operators MySQL DB with AWS RDS Web Hosting and Replication Amazon Aurora DB DynamoDB With Python and Boto3 AWS ECR Object Detection With AWS Sagemaker AWS Event Bridge and Lambda

More AWS

AWS Machine Learning AWS Serverless

Learn AWS S3 Basics


W3Schools offers Guided Projects in collaboration with Coursera.

Build your skills with hands-on training.

Engage in a split-screen video experience.

Learn step-by-step with our instructors.

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W3Schools offers Guided Projects in collaboration with Coursera.

Learn step-by-step with our instructors.

Build your skills with hands-on training.

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Applied learning
Work hands-on with tools and technologies
Learning Flexibility
Study at your own pace. Be in control of your time
Earn a certificate
Document your knowledge and skills

Learn AWS S3 Basics

This Guided Project helps you to learn the basics of AWS S3.

Learn with Sorabh Kaushik, our subject matter Expert in this applied learning experience.

The format is a split-screen video where you follow the step-by-step instructions from the trainer.

What you will learn

  • Create and upload content to your first S3 Bucket.
  • Enable encryption, versioning, and, lifecycle rules.
  • Create a static webpage using S3
  • How to show your knowledge of AWS S3 in an interview.

Why learn with a Guided Project?

Gain job-relevant skills with short and applied learning experiences.

Build competence by learning from subject matter experts.

Increase your employability by adding value to your CV and resume.

Save time and money by taking doing a guided project that costs a fraction of a full qualification, and getting the same results.

How a Guided Project works

Video-based learning where you get hands-on with a split screen.

Try things on your own and pay attention to the instructions given by the trainer.

Guided Project split-screen

It has everything you need right in the browser. Complete cloud-based, no download required.

Learn step-by-step in a split-screen environment with a subject matter expert.

Project Overview


Duration: 120 min

Earn a certificate: Yes

Difficulty level: Beginner

Language: English

Format: Split-screen video

Device: Desktop only

Other: No downloads needed

Vendor: Coursera

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Short learning experiences

Gain relevant skills in less than two hours.

Build your skills bite-sized to better digest and process the learning.

Be in control of your own experience and time.

Apply what you have learned right away!

Earn a certificate

Pass the final quiz and earn your certificate.

Getting a certificate proves your commitment to upgrading your skills.

The certificate can be added as credentials to your CV, Resume, LinkedIn profile, etc.

It gives you the credibility needed for more responsibilities, larger projects, and a higher salary.

Knowledge is power, especially in the current job market.

Documentation of your skills enables you to advance your career or helps you to start a new one.

Learn AWS S3 Basics

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On this page, W3schools.com collaborates with Coursera, to deliver digital training content to our students.