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AWS Serverless Scaling Considerations for Step Functions and SNS

Scaling Considerations for Step Functions

So far, most advice on scaling using Step Functions has centered on managing scalability.

Using wait states and callbacks to save expenses is recommended.

Step functions can also benefit from timeouts to avoid interuptions.

There is no default timeout in Step Functions.

If something goes wrong while waiting for an activity worker to respond, it will just wait.

An activity worker communicates between services to receive tasks and perform them.

In order to avoid this, utilize the TimeoutSeconds settings in the Amazon States Language.

If your payload will likely exceed the input/output data size, utilize the S3 bucket.

Make sure you know the API's restrictions and test against them in your load tests.

It's also critical to understand the data size being input into or exiting Step Functions states.

Scaling Considerations for Step Functions and Amazon SNS Video

W3schools.com collaborates with Amazon Web Services to deliver digital training content to our students.

Scaling considerations for Amazon SNS

With AWS SNS, you can have:

  • Asynchronous connections
  • Parallel operations
  • Nested applications

When using SNS as an event source for Lambda, it will automatically retry a subject twice.

SNS as an event source will do so one second apart.

It will continue doing so until the retries are 20 minutes apart.

It might result in 50 retries over 13 hours before the message is removed from SNS.

Related reads:

Step Functions Limits Related to API Action Throttling
Amazon SNS Message Delivery Retries

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An  worker communicates between  to receive  and perform them

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