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AWS Serverless Thinking at Scale

Thinking Serverless at Scale

Before diving into serverless scaling, let's recap on a basic cloud scaling theme: create, measure, learn, repeat.

As you shift from on-premises to cloud and maybe serverless, you want to optimize for scalability.

You may iterate and upgrade your architecture.

It is recommended to keep optimizing performance and prices as your solutions improve.

You also need to remember five scaling best practices:

  • Separate database and application
  • Use global infrastructure
  • Avoid heavy lifting
  • Track percentile
  • Keep refactoring as you go

Thinking Serverless at Scale Video

W3schools.com collaborates with Amazon Web Services to deliver digital training content to our students.

How it Works

The Elastic Load Balancer distributes traffic among servers and monitors their health.

To provide high availability, the architecture is implemented through Availability Zones.

Auto scaling groups manage EC2 instance demand and reduce idle capacity.

You don't need to set up auto scaling groups with serverless.

It is because managed services provide scaling, security, and accessibility.

You can create services that only charge when events occur.

The focus of serverless scaling should be on how each service manages the events.

You must balance performance needs, costs, and business impact in the architecture.

An ElastiCache in-memory data storage reduces latency and reduces database load.

AWS Serverless Exercises

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