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AWS Serverless Scaling With Traditional Relational Databases

Serverless Scaling With Traditional Relational Databases

Traditional approaches for managing relational database connections have problems when used with Lambda.

You cannot control when a new Lambda execution environment is created or when an old one is deleted.

Serverless Scaling With Traditional Relational Databases Video

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Scaling Issues

The environment will never run more than one Lambda function at a time.

As a starting point, create a single connection outside the handler and test it with each new function call.

When a Lambda environment is destroyed, you cannot directly terminate connections.

The database Time to Live may be used to clear up connections.

Because you have no control over the execution environments' lifespan, connections may be idle.

You may restrict the number of potential connections by limiting Lambda's potential connections.

Some accounts may require this to separate connections for various programs.

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You cannot directly terminate the  when   is destroyed

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